Product Design & Packaging
Olive Street Table company came to Grayphics with a shrinkwrapped pizza-like product with a slapped on black and white sticker. They proceeded to tell us what they wanted designed, which we did, BUT we knew that what we came up with would serve them better. With the release of OUR designed boxes, they ended up in dozens of markets virtually overnight!
When Olive Street Table first met with Grayphics' 17 months earlier, they had never imagined that this third generation box design would ultimately lead to a potential company name change. So taken with the design and the strength of these boxes, the way the name described the product better than earlier 'crisp' and 'pate brisee pizza', it was a natural, and almost forgone conclusion, that the name of the company took on the OST's French Pastry Pizza nomenclature. In under two years OST went from selling within two local grocery stores to over 200 of the Kroger Food Chain and Costco's on the West Coast.